Monkey Pickles 2009
- January: Domain Names were purchased
- Febuary: "How to create a website" book was purchased
- March: Test idea was launched as a Facebook Group to see where it would lead. At the end of March their were 30 goofballs posting in a group on funny discussion topics like "Things I'd Like to Squish", "If a had a penny for everytime..." and the the infamous "Big Red Wiffle Ball Bats"
- April: Logo created and copywrited (C)
- March: 300 Goofballs found a Happy Place in the group. and Fan Page officially launched...
- June: Blog launched and 1st T-shirt store opened
- August: We sent an official message about closing the Group and transistioning everything to our Fan Page. about 800 Goofballs were in their Happy Place
- September: The Group was locked down and started the process of closing. T-Shirt store closed
- October: Monkey Pickles Twitter hit the scene with a Big Red Wiffle Ball Bat in tote..
- November: Rolls over the 1,000 mark on Facebook... T-Shirt store re-opened under Spreadshirt. and registered business name. also featured in Spreadshirt blog.
- January: T-Shirt of the Month Launched
- March: Between Twitter, Facebook and blog community grows to 2,000 people.
- April: Celebrates Monkey Pickles turning 1 year old be going to ACME Comedy Club and ended our 1st writing contest with over 20 submisssions.